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Wolfhound, Royal Guards, Lyran Commonwealth

Project Type: 
Lyran Commonwealth

This Wolfhound, from CGL's Pursuit Lance Pack, is painted in the colors of the Lyran Commonwealth's Royal Guards. It was painted for Miniature of the Fortnight #9 on the BattleTech forums.

The blue basecoat is Reaper MSP True Blue and the gold is Reaper MSP Antique Gold. They were washed with a blue-grey wash (made using matte medium, water, Reaper MSP Blue Liner, and Reaper MSP Grey Liner). After the wash, the miniature was drybrushed using the basecoat colors. The blue highlights were drybrushed using Reaper MSP Sky Blue and the gold highlights with Reaper MSP New Gold. The cockpit was painted black and then painted slightly using Reaper MSP Blood Red. The top of the base was painted with Reaper MSP Shield Brown before adding paver sand, boiled and dried, glued down with CA glue, and drybrushed with Reaper MSP Amber Gold. The base was painted using Reaper MSP True Blue.

Overall, I'm a little disappointed on how it came out. I believe the striping came out pretty well, given the amount of effort involved and my novice skills. Unfortunately, the wash darkened the blue much more than expected and drybrushing didn't bring the blue back nearly as much as I wanted. Gluing on the sand was also unexpectedly problematic. (The bright spot on the base in the left side view is dried CA glue.) The photos show the lack of an overhead light in my setup (those two dark patches on the top are supposed to be gold) so I need to fix that as well.

Left side
Offset to the right
Right side